




Products used

Aquatherm Green Pipe and Pipe Fittings

Aquatherm Blue Pipe and Pipe Fittings

Location / date


Companies Associated with The Lusial Iconic in Qatar



FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, preparations are in full swing. Al Sahoo with our exclusive brand partner aquatherm is at the core of it and has already supplied and installed products in three soccer stadiums in Qatar. In 2014, the foundation stone was laid for the Lusail Iconic Stadium, Qatar for the FIFA World Cup 2022. The stadium is designed for 80,000 spectators, and its innovative shape and multifunctional concept are right in line with a futuristic, exciting multi-functional sports complex. the Lusail Iconic Stadium is equipped with aquatherm blue pipe for refrigeration in addition to aquatherm green pipe for the drinking water facilities.

Sustainable Materials

Lusail Stadium has been constructed with highly sustainable materials to follow sustainable building practices. It has installed a world-class water system with aquatherm products to ensure the vision for sustainability. Moreover, in the future, the Lusial Stadium will be repurposed as Multi facility Complex with 20,000 capacity stadiums. The stadium will donate its seats to a community that lacks sporting infrastructure. At the same time, Qatar transforms the stadium and its surrounding into housing, shops, and restaurants. We aquatherm, and our products have also taken part in the line of support in the futuristic constructions.

Successful and Satisfied Project

Al Sahoo is highly focused on fulfilling all the material demands and requirements of our client HBK JV. We have ensured immediate technical support from our Brand partner Aquatherm in Germany.  Aquatherm products can be found in soccer stadiums around the world.

Advantages of Aquatherm Green Pipes

The practices like heat-fusion welding techniques applicable for the aquatherm PPR pipes allowed the MEP contractor to fuse the piping system quickly, helping to reduce the project time. With the features of Aquatherm like the lightweight & simple heat-fusion process, and the MEP contractor’s projected labor costs came in under budget. Time-to-Time Delivery: Al Sahoo is the exclusive partner of Aquatherm Germany for the GCC regions. We can assure the material availability. We managed stock of all the sizes to 160 MM and our team regularly checked with the CSCME about requirements on the higher size materials to get ordered from Germany and supply at times when they really needed.

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